Here I am again about to moan about something else.. ahh go on you love it!

I got utterly pissed off today when speaking to a friend of mine when planning a night of utter indulgence in alcohol to find out that again she is allowing her new relationship control her life. I mean seriously she has just come out of an 18 month relationship where she barely saw anyone and practically spent any free time with her ex (and omg what a loser he was). And once again this new guy who she is “in love” with is now becoming a priority. Apart from the fact there is only a 4 week gap between relationships it shows quite blatantly that she like a lot of other girls I know are so dependent on being in a relationship that they quite simply cannot function as a single independent woman.

Back in the 90’s we had all this girl power crap going on and I for one really believed in this. I myself am extremely independent and have never and will never depend upon a man to complete me. But where have all the strong women gone? Ahhh yes I know now.. they are the ones that have got the career’s, managed to get the promotion, own a great car, can live on their own, go to Australia for 6 months and have the balls to take control of their life and depend upon no-one…

Another example for me to tell you about is a girl I used to know that fell in love with a guy within 20 minutes of getting to know him. Now she had a weird history.. Met an older guy who moved in to her parents’ house, then then got married and rented a place together.. they eventually split up she was devastated, so devastated in fact that within 2 days she was out on the pull telling any man who looked her way that she was now single. The thing is.. She is a bit of a minger.. in fact she is down well and truly hit with the ugly stick.

Every date she went on she told the guys on that date that she loved them.. so much so that they went to the toilet and never come back… anyway she now is engaged to someone new. She bought her own engagement ring, she bought him a car (he doesn’t work) he lives rent free at her parents.. She could not cope without having a man in her life.. So she buys herself a relationship…

So I take my hat off to all those independent women out there. You know what you want and rely only on your partner for support and not for your status.. Aren’t we awesome people!